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Haresh Ajbani


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Seeking Travel Partners Business Collaboration  

“I THINK THERFORE I AM” sums me up in a sentence.

I am a successful entrepreneur running 2 export businesses & I am passionate about food, travel & investing in startups. With experience in business, architecture & investing, I have developed a diverse set of skills that have helped me excel in the world.

My entrepreneurial journey started when I took a leap of faith & started my first export business in 2000. Over the years, I have developed a keen interest in sharing my knowledge & experiences with aspiring entrepreneurs & young professionals. I try to connect with people & share my insights on various aspects of entrepreneurship & business management. I believe in the power of collaboration & I am always eager to learn from the experiences of others.

When I am not busy running my businesses, I love to explore different cuisines. Traveling has not only broadened my horizons, but it has also given me the opportunity to network with people from different walks of life. Trying out different cuisines & experimenting with new flavors is something that excites me. I believe that food brings people together & ideas together.

As a startup investor, I have had the privilege of working with several innovative companies in their early stages. By investing in these startups, I get the opportunity to support & nurture young talent & contribute to the growth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. I belie
ve in investing not just in the potential of a business idea, but also in the people behind it. It gives me immense satisfaction to see my investments grow & create value for society.

I am a trained architect & have a keen eye for detail. I am also a voracious reader & have an extensive collection of books on my shelf. I believe that reading has helped me develop critical thinking skills & has expanded my knowledge base. I am a firm believer in continuous learning & development. I believe that learning never stops, & there is always something new to explore & discover.

In conclusion, I am a people person who loves to interact and connect with others. Whether it is through my businesses, investments, or social interactions, I believe that every interaction is an opportunity to learn and grow. I look forward to connecting with fellow entrepreneurs, investors & professionals who share my passion for innovation, collaboration & growth. I believe that my diverse set of skills and experiences has equipped me with the tools to succeed in any venture I undertake. I am always open to new opportunities & challenges & I look forward to connecting with like-minded individuals.