papu bhattacharya
Founder Promode Agro, Digital expert , looking after Technology part
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Our company PromodeAgro is doing Biodynamic farming while leveraging a unique farm-to-consumer (F2C) digital ecosystem, primarily helping migrants in hyderabad to get regional foods that they like, which is affordable and organic.
We compete in the growing Farm-to-Consumer market which last year was a 1 billion USD market in India.
We are similar to Bigbasket and Ninjacart but we are creating affordable organic foods and emulating regional environment in hyderabad.
Currently we have ~1000 customers base, 10L monthly revenue, one F2C digital MVP, and 26 people team and two super successful export ready farm products(papaya and drumstick)
We are looking for $200k to help us scale our sales/community marketing , digital F2C ecosystem,
agri products and customer success.